Preparing Thanksgiving 2020

Note: When I began writing this post, Minnesota residents were preparing for another partial shut-down due to the continuing Covid-19 pandemic, just as the holiday season is about to begin. By the time I was finishing the post, the CDC had issued guidelines urging people to remain home this Thanksgiving.

Prayer Preparing for Thanksgiving
During a Pandemic

Creator God,
I find myself struggling these days
while deciding how to best celebrate
the Thanksgiving holiday.
I long to see my friends and family,
to feel a sense of normalcy,
to let go and enjoy life once more.

But I know I may put others in danger.
Health authorities and other leaders
are warning us yet again
to be extra careful. . .
How much longer, Lord?!
How much longer must we wait
for this pandemic to be over?

Perhaps the answer to my questions
relies partly on the choices I make
— we make —
in response to the situation.
Will I be ever-mindful of the safety of others
(as well as my own)
or throw all caution to the wind
(and later regret it)?

This Thanksgiving, in the midst of stresses,
confusion, worries, or even illness,
help me to remember
there are many healthy ways
to celebrate
and many meaningful ways
to express thanks
that are not reliant on human traditions
or physical gatherings.
Create in me a deeper understanding
of giving thanks, counting blessings,
and being a blessing to others,
even when I can only
be with them in Spirit.
